Surveys for Future SLA Events


Thank you to everyone who joined us yesterday evening for the first SLA Student Group meeting of the semester! 

It was great to meet the students who share our interest in the field of special libraries. If you weren’t able to attend 

the meeting but would like to participate in future SLA events, please consider filling out these surveys linked below. 

We are using them to plan future meetings and events in SLA.


This first survey is for general member interests. We’re hoping to learn more about how students feel SLA can best

serve them, including how we meet, what we do in meetings, and what accommodations we can provide for events, 

if needed:

The second is a survey about an event we are already planning: a visit to the Gale Family Library in the Minnesota 

Historical Society. Now is a great time to let us know what days of the week would be most convenient for you, and 

what specific experiences you’d like to have during the visit:

We will provide updates and announcements about future meetings and events based on feedback from these surveys.

Thank you again for helping us make this a great semester for SLA!
