Calling All Volunteers! It's Time To Face Your Fears

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Hey Hey SLA!

The St. Kate's SLA group had another successful meeting last Thursday. If you couldn't make it, don't worry! You can read the meeting minutes here, and there are still plenty of ways to help out. In brief, we talked about:
  • Our special library tour. The two winners from our poll were art and corporate libraries, so be looking for more information on that towards the end of this semester or possibly in spring.
  • The information professional/special librarian panel is happening Monday, November 30th at 6:00pm. We have EIGHT ideas for panelists right now, which is great! If you'd like to help with panel prep, shoot us an email.
  • The SLA-MN Holiday Party is set for Monday, December 7th, and we are in charge of putting on the silent auction. We will be sending out letters to businesses asking for donations in the last week of October and will be looking for volunteers to help with follow-up calls in the second week of November. ANY amount of help with calling is greatly appreciated. Because we understand calling strangers is pretty much the most terrifying thing you can ask an LIS major (i.e., introvert) to do, you can volunteer to call as many or as few businesses as you like.
To reiterate, we are looking for volunteers to help with panel planning and donation calling (especially the latter). If you are interested in helping with either, email us at Otherwise, our next meeting is Thursday, November 19th @ 5:00pm in CdC 17.
